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Royal Arts International


Dr. Victor Olatoye is a multifaceted creative professional with a diverse background. He holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine from Aristotle's University School of Veterinary Medicine in Greece. Previously, he worked as a scientist for STERIS and is currently affiliated with Charles River Laboratories in the United States.

Dr. Olatoye's artistic endeavors are deeply influenced by his scientific background, and he specializes in sculptures and artworks that convey powerful messages. Notably, he is the visionary behind the striking "Pandemic" art, a monumental sculpture depicting COVID, standing at 8 ½ by 5 feet and weighing approximately 800 pounds. He attributes his success in designing this piece to his medical expertise.

Beyond his scientific and artistic pursuits, Dr. Olatoye is a polyglot, proficient in six languages, including Greek. He indulges in his passion for travel, having explored 46 countries. His artwork is a reflection of his global experiences, addressing critical social issues such as the Pandemic, Climate Change, Poverty, Unity, Anti-Bullying, Disability, Love, and more.

Dr. Olatoye's creative process is driven by inspiration, often leaving the choice of art, topics, and titles to the whims of his muse. Central to his artistic philosophy is the emotionalism theory, which places great importance on the ability of artwork to elicit emotions from its viewers. The "Pandemic" art, with its powerful message, certainly achieves this goal, making it a standout piece in his portfolio.

Dr. Victor O. Olatoye -President & CEO


Kayode L. Jegede - Vice President

Kayode Jegede is a bead artist. Festival of work include various beadwork of high profile individuals Mr. Jegede is an investor in the fabrication of The Pandemic Art. Commenting on the museum piece, Mr. Jegede pointed out that The Pandemic Art is definitely unique and one of a kind

Professional Team for you

Rick Stephenson



Astrid Guerrero de Olatoye

Brand Ambassador- Art & Science Collection