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Royal Arts International


Dr. Victor  O. Olatoye

Dr. Victor O. Olatoye is a remarkable individual who has harnessed the power of creativity in the face of adversity. A distinguished graduate of Aristotle University in Greece, he is not merely a scientist but a multifaceted talent, also known for his prowess as a film critic and an accomplished artist.

One of Dr. Olatoye's most significant contributions to the world of art is his awe-inspiring creation, the "Pandemic" sculpture. This 8.5 feet 800 pounds towering sculpture made of bronze, copper and scrap metals stands as a poignant testament to the human experiences and emotions that reverberated throughout the globe during the pandemic. With profound insight, it encapsulates the feelings of isolation, loss, fear, hope, and resilience that defined this unprecedented era in history. More than a work of art, the "Pandemic" statue is a living time capsule, preserving the collective sentiments and perspectives of people during this challenging time.

Beyond his artistic endeavors, Dr. Olatoye is a true global citizen. Fluent in six languages, he has explored the cultures and landscapes of 46 countries, gaining a deep appreciation for the richness of our diverse world. His life's journey serves as an inspiring example of the boundless potential of the human spirit when fueled by creativity, intellect, and a passion for understanding the world around us. Dr. Victor O. Olatoye is a living testament to the enduring power of art and the indomitable resilience of the human soul.


The Template of The Pandemic Art


Like most people during the lockdown, there wasn't much to do with the extra time, however, the pandemic motivated us to unleash a revolution in medicine due to the ingenuity of government, private companies, and everyone coming together to fight the common enemy, in my case, it gave me the third eye and unleashed the artistic ability hidden in me. Some of the names of those organizations are etched into this historic piece of art and our heroes who don't come in capes are represented.
